Avanti’s unique sterol reverses cataracts in mice.Gestwicki’s team ...... settled on compound 29, a steroid found naturally in the bloodstream but not in the lens, which has no blood supply. Mice with age-related and hereditary cataracts received drops in the right eye, whereas the left eye went untreated. After just a few weeks, the treated eye was visibly clearer, says Gestwicki, who conducted the work while at the University of Michigan. Cataract severity is measured on a scale of zero to four, with four being the worst case. On average, mice in the study had about a one-grade improvement in cataract severity after 4 weeks of treatment.Science DOI: 10.1126/science.aad7400
It has been recently shown that activation of a macrophage toll-like receptor (TLR) by microbial antigens induces synthesis of 25-hydroxycholesterol, and that this oxysterol potently suppresses IgA production (see References). You can find additional information on this compound at the following link:
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